Our family’s top 3 eco tips
There’s no doubt that, with each child we add to our family, our consumption of our planet’s precious resources increases. This is something we’re very aware of as a family, and try to be very conscious of making better eco-friendly choices, and work very hard to reduce waste and unnecessary consumption.
Here are our top 3 tips for being more eco friendly as a family…
1. Reduce food waste

Each year, Australians waste around 7.3 million tonnes of food, and this waste accounts for more than five per cent of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions.
This is something our family has been very conscious of in recent years, so here are two things we do to reduce our food waste:
- Plan our meals for the week – we plan out our food according to which food will last the longest, so our fresh food doesn’t go bad before we’ve had a chance to eat it.
- COMPOST! This is a game changer, especially for those food scraps after meals where the kids turn their nose up at something you’ve spent hours cooking (don’t we love that!). You compost your food scraps, with an accelerator to quicken the breakdown process, then bury the compost for a super-healthy garden.
2. Buy quality, and make it last

I’m a huge advocate for purchasing eco-friendly alternatives (especially things like reusable nappies), but only if they last the distance. Remember, even eco-friendly products take energy and resources to make, so the eco-friendly credentials may not be worth it if the quality is no good and you have to replace it quickly.
Quality is always paramount, but also taking care of what we’ve got so it goes the distance, for example, I’ve managed to pass down a huge amount of my boys’ clothing to all three, primarily because I try and buy high quality clothing, and am very careful when washing it. I always use a spot cleaner, then wash in cold water on a delicate cycle, and dry in the sun. It’s been the best method to keep clothes going on and on, reducing the terrible amount of clothing that ends up in landfill.
And other items like toys are no exception. Focus on high quality (like our toys, of course!), because they’re much more likely to be durable and can be passed on through multiple children, staying out of landfill for longer.
3. Reduce energy consumption

Energy equals fossil fuels unfortunately (unless you’re lucky enough to have a 100% solar-powered home and car – not us just yet unfortunately). So we should all be conscious of being more energy efficient to reduce the amount of fossil fuels we’re using on a daily basis. Don’t forget that, by reducing your energy usage, you can also reduce your energy bill – very helpful for the bank balance!
Here’s a few of our favourite energy savings ideas:
- Turn appliances off at the power point. Standby power can cost up to $100 per year for households in Australia, so it’s definitely worth turning appliances off at the power point as much as possible.
- Don’t use the clothes dryer unless absolutely necessary! Plus, the sun is your best stain remover (as well as your clothes dryer), so make the most of it.
- Turn lights off when room’s aren’t in use. If your kids are like mine, they’re forever leaving lights on when they go between rooms. Encouraging them to be aware of turning lights off is a great way to help them take more responsibility for being eco-conscious.
We hope our tips help you make a small change to reduce your family’s environmental impact!