Giving back
We support causes who are doing great things to protect our environment.
Our mission is to support the true eco-warriors...
We're committed to donating at least 10 per cent of our profits to causes who are doing great things to protect our environment, and for a more sustainable future.
We're so pleased to be supporting the Dolphin Research Institute in Victoria. This conservation charity has been operating for 25 years, initially working to protect the dolphins inhabiting Victoria's bays, but now more broadly through research for conservation, and education for younger generations. Their award-winning education programs help children understand the importance of, and how they can work towards, keeping our waterways and oceans clean for the health and sustainability of marine life. This aligns closely with the mission for Happy Planet Toys, which is why we're very happy to be supporting this wonderful organisation.
In light of the recent Australian bushfire and drought crisis, we have also made donations to WIRES Australian Wildlife Rescue Organisation, who work to save injured and displaced wildlife.